Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Danny Has A Great Day

Danny Huebsch fishes with us whenever his travels put him in our area. He has been fishing on the L&H for a long time and I have had several great trips mating for Danny when John Dudas was running the boat. It was important for me to have a good crew for Danny so I took my friend Mike Welter along. We met at the boat early and got a good start on bait before a lot of the other boats even left the dock. When we hit the edge Mike ran the boat and I worked the cockpit. With no wind we had to use helium to keep the kites aloft. We got a sail right off the bat and for the next couple hours Danny stayed busy reeling in fish. At one point we had a bait just feet behind the boat and a sail came up chasing the sardine all over the surface. When Danny hooked the fish it took off jumping like crazy! It was so exciting to see that fish tearing up the calm ocean. After some nice dolphin, another sail, and a few kings it was time to find Danny his first permit. Danny has caught a lot of fish on the L&H, but the permit is one of the few fish that has eluded him. The conditions were great for sight fishing and in about thirty minutes I saw the fish we were looking for. Mike made a great cast and the huge permit engulfed the bait and was off to the races. The fish took a lot of line and refused to come up. After a great job of angling I could see what was taking so long. It was one of the biggest permit I have ever seen. We finally were able to get the fish in the boat and back at the dock, Danny's fish would weigh just over forty pounds! On the way in Danny got another permit over thirty pounds, just to put an exclamation point on what was a great day of fishing on the L&H.

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